1. Introduction

    1. Background ideas

    2. Vision about EEG

    3. Fractal hierarchy of EEGs

    4. Basic aspects of EEG

    5. The effects of ELF em fields on brain

    6. Generalized EEG and consciousness

    7. Vision about biological evolution and evolution of brain

  2. What is EEG made of?

    1. Basic ingredients for dark hierarchy of EEGs

    2. The simplest model for the correspondence between generalized Josephson frequencies and cyclotron frequencies

    3. Music metaphor

    4. An attempt to understand EEG in terms of the resonance model

    5. EEG during sleep

    6. Schumann resonance and consciousness

    7. What about proton and electron?

  3. The effects of ELF fields on brain and high Tc ionic super conductivity

    1. Summary about effects of ELF em fields on brain

    2. A brief summary of the model explaining cyclotron frequencies

    3. Interpretation of the temperature window

    4. How could one understand the amplitude windows?

  4. How does generalized EEG relate to conscious experience?

    1. Sensory canvas hypothesis

    2. Magnetic quantum phase transitions and EEG

    3. Altered states of consciousness and EEG

    4. EEG and Golden Mean

    5. Pineal gland and EEG

  5. Great vision about biological evolution and evolution of brain

    1. Basic assumptions

    2. Dark matter hierarchy and big leaps in evolution

    3. Could insect colonies have "EEG"?

    4. Dark matter hierarchy, hierarchical structure of nervous system, and hierarchy of emotions

  6. Appendix

    1. Hierarchy of Planck constants and the generalization of the notion of imbedding space

    2. Em cyclotron frequencies of biologically important ions

    3. Cyclotron frequencies of exotic ions and periodic table