Quantum credit card
Two realizations for the "population inverted laser"
Support for quantum credit card mechanism
Confirmation of Santilli's detection of antimatter galaxies via a telescope with concave lenses:really?
Comparison of Ling's vision about cell to TGD view
Basic ideas and notions of Ling
The basic notions of Ling's vision from TGD view point
The role of ATP according to Ling and in TGD framework
Ling's theory from the perspective of TGD inspired theory of consciousness
Capacitor like Josephson junctions as systems with large heff/h?
Cell membrane as Josephson junction
Quantization of the DC voltage of capacitor from the quantization of charge
Constraint on cyclotron frequency
What about more general capacitor like systems?
What fJ=fAC/l condition implies for Earth's electric field?
Cell membrane, DNA double strand, and cortical layers as capacitor like Josephson junctions
Further comments
Mysteries associated with lightnings, ball lightnings and the electrosphere of Earth
Basic facts
The TGD view of ball lightning and other mysteries
About long range electromagnetic quantum coherence in TGD Universe
The notion of electromagnetic Planck constant
Biological applications of long rance electromagnetic quantum coherence and generalized Pollack effect
Long scale electromagnetic quantum coherence in non-biological systems
Tesla's work, biology, and TGD
Tesla's work
Relating Tesla's work to TGD inspired quantum biology
How could this picture relate to biofield research?
Tesla coils from TGD view point
Tesla's findings from a new viewpoint
Teslaphoresis in TGD
What Tesla coils are?
How TGD could be involved?