Basic ideas of TGD inspired quantum biology
Dark matter as hierarchy of phases of ordinary matter with heff=nh0
hgr =heff hypothesis and universal cyclotron energies
MB (MB) and its motor actions
Dark nucleosynthesis (DNS) as a source of metabolic energy in prebiotic systems?
TGD based explanation for the life-like aspects of the system consisting of plastic balls
Experimental findings
Self-organized bi-stability or oscillations driven by cyclotron radiation and energized by DNS?
Speculative connections with TGD inspired views about quantum biology and consciousness
A system of particles able to self-assemble and self-heal in presence of acoustic waves
Experimental discovery
TGD inspired model
A model for the control of biological body by magnetic body
The basic hypothesis
Metallic and organic cofactors
Biologically important ions assignable to the communications from BB to MB
About the role of cyclotron frequencies in the bio-control by MB
Molecular motors
Oxidative metabolism, red cells, the fundamental bio-rhythm, and iron
Model for RNA life
Do hydrogels learn in presence of irradiation and heating?
TGD based model for the findings
The emergence of human brain like functions in neuromorphic metallic nanowire network
TGD based model