Could quasars be MECOs rather than supermassive blackholes?
TGD view
Background about TGD
General vision
Twistor lift of TGD
Is the cosmological constant really understood?
Does p-adic coupling constant evolution reduce to that for cosmological constant?
What does one really mean with gravitational Planck constant?
TGD view about quasars
Overall view about the model
Estimate for the strength of the poloidal component $Bθof the magnetic field just below rS
Intelligent blackholes?
Appendix: Explicit formulas for the evolution of cosmological constants
General form for the imbedding of twistor sphere
Induced Kähler form
Induced metric
Coordinates (v,Ψ ) in terms of (u,Φ )
Various partial derivatives
Calculation of the evolution of cosmological constant