Quantum TGD
Classical TGD
Number theoretical physics
ZEO and generalization of quantum measurement theory to a theory of consciousness
From quantum measurement theory to a theory of consciousness
Copenhagen interpretation dead: long live ZEO based quantum measurement theory!
Negentropy Maximization Principle
Basic Form Of NMP
Weak Form Of NMP
Can One Define Measures For The Information Contents Of Mental Image?
Hyper-Finite Factors Of Type II$_1$ And NMP
M8-H duality and consciousness
Some comments related to Zero Energy Ontology (ZEO)
General view about ZEO
ZEO, life, and consciousness
Under what conditions does BSFR take place and what happens in it?
Could I to to bed today and wake-up tomorrow morning?
Some questions concerning zero energy ontology
Some background
How uniquely PE property fixes the space-time surface?
Still about quantum measurement theory in ZEO
ZEO based theory of consciousness as quantum measurement theory
The relationship between adelic physics and ZEO based quantum theory
The dynamics of SSFRs as quantum measurement cascades in the group algebra of Galois group
Questions related to the notion of self and time
Hierarchies of causal diamonds and space-time surfaces as geometric correlates for self hierarchy
Are time reversed sub-selves always experienced as mental images?
Re-incarnation and EEG
After images as reincarnations of mental images?
Re-incarnation and time reversed selves as basic predictions of TGD inspired theory of consciousness
Appendix: TGD and quantum biology
The notion of magnetic body (MB)
MB and biology