Some TGD background
Time-like and space-like braidings for generalized Feynman diagrams
Dance metaphor
DNA as topological quantum computer
Could braid cobordisms define more general braid invariants?
Difference between knotting and linking
Topological strings in 4-D space-time define knot cobordisms
Invariants 2-knots as vacuum expectations of Wilson loops in 4-D space-time?
What 2-knottedness means concretely?
Are all possible 2-knots possible for stringy world sheets?
Are Wilson loops enough for 2-knots?
TGD inspired theory of braid cobordisms and 2-knots
Weak form of electric-magnetic duality and duality of space-like and time-like braidings
Could Kähler magnetic fluxes define invariants of braid cobordisms?
Classical color gauge fields and their generalizations define gerbe gauge potentials allowing to replace Wilson loops with Wilson sheets
Summing sup the basic ideas
Witten's approach to Khovanov homology from TGD point of view
Intersection form and space-time topology
Framing anomaly
Khovanov homology briefly
Surface operators and the choice of the preferred 2-surfaces
The identification of charges Q, P and F of Khovanov homology
What does the replacement of topological invariance with symplectic invariance mean?
Algebraic braids, sub-manifold braid theory, and generalized Feynman diagrams
Generalized Feynman diagrams, Feynman diagrams, and braid diagrams
Brief summary of algebraic knot theory
Generalized Feynman diagrams as generalized braid diagrams?
Electron as a trefoil or something more general?
Space-time as 4-surface and the basic argument
What is the origin of strings going around the magnetic flux tube?
How elementary particles interact as knots?