1. Introduction

    1. Basic ideas and concepts

    2. Z0 magnetic fields and hydrodynamics

    3. Topics of the chapter

  2. Many-sheeted space-time concept

    1. Basic concepts related to topological condensation and evaporation

    2. Can one regard # resp. #B contacts as particles resp. string like objects?

    3. Number theoretical considerations

    4. Physically interesting p-adic length scales in condensed matter systems

  3. Hydrodynamical and thermodynamical hierarchies

    1. Dissipation by the collisions of condensate blocks

    2. Energy transfer between different condensate levels in turbulent flow

    3. The magnetic fields associated with vortex and rigid body flows

    4. Criticality condition

    5. Sono-luminescence and hydrodynamical hierarchy

    6. p-Adic length scale hypothesis, hydrodynamic turbulence, and distribution of primes

    7. Thermodynamic Hierarchy

  4. Configuration space geometry and phase transitions

    1. Basic ideas of catastrophe theory

    2. Configuration space geometry and catastrophe theory

    3. Quantum TGD and catastrophe theory

    4. TGD based description of phase transitions

  5. Imbeddings of the cylindrically symmetric flows

    1. The general form of the imbedding of the cylindrically symmetric rotational flow.

    2. Orders of magnitude for some vacuum parameters

    3. Critical radii for some special flows

  6. Transition to turbulence in channel flow

    1. Transition to turbulence

    2. Definition of the model

    3. Estimates for the parameters

    4. Kähler fields associated with the cascade process

    5. Order of magnitude estimate for the change of the Kähler action and Reynolds criterion

    6. Phase slippage as mechanism for the decay of vortices