Implications of strong gravimagnetism for TGD inspired quantum biology
The theory of Tajmar et al for the anomaly of Cooper pairs mass
Is the large gravimagnetic field possible in TGD framework?
Gravitational Mother Gaia and life
Water memory and pre-biotic life
Exclusion zones as prebiotic cells
TGD view about homeopathy, water memory, and evolution of immune system
Direct empirical evidence for dark DNA?!
Is replication of magnetic body behind biological replication?
Quantum model for metabolism
Humble origins of DNA as nutrient - really humble?
Jeremy England's vision about life and evolution
Basic ideas of England's theory
What is missing from England's theory?
How does England's theory relate to TGD?
Could one apply the thermodynamical approach of England in TGD framework?
More precise view about remote DNA replication
Some background
Does remote replication apply same mechanism as mimicry of invader molecules in the case of water memory?
Remote replication again
Three variants of genetic code
An objection against bio-harmony
DDNA-DNA, DDNA-DDNA, DDNA-exotic DNA pairings
DNA and DDNA codons
What various pairings do look like?
TGD inspired model for the formation of exclusion zones from coherence regions
CDs and EZs
TGD inspired model for CDs and EZs
Is a new source of metabolic energy needed?
Was ribosome the first self-replicator?
Trying to catch the idea
How the pre-ribosome as first replicator relates to TGD approach?
Potential"missing link" in chemistry that led to life on Earth discovered
The problem and its possible solution
How could the discovery relate to TGD inspired quantum biology?
Some aspects of TGD inspired quantum biology
The notion of magnetic body
Hierarchy of Planck constants, space-time surfaces as covering spaces, and adelic physics
What can one say about the detailed anatomy of the MB?
Water memory and homeopathy
What the view about magnetic body could mean at the level of DNA and other basic bio-molecules?
Multilocal viruses