General model for qualia and sensory receptor
Some implications of the model of cell membrane as sensory receptor
Model for hearing
TGD based model for qualia and sensory receptors
A general model of qualia and sensory receptor
Detailed model for the qualia
Overall view about qualia
About detailed identification of the qualia
Quantum model for hearing
Basic facts about hearing and their interpretation in TGD framework
How pitch is represented?
The mystery of the fast transmitter
Music and consciousness
Some aspects of music experience
Zero energy ontology, hierarchy of Planck constants, and number theoretic physics
Why octaves are experienced similarly?
Does harmonic complexity reduce to 3-adicity?
The notion of self and music
Harmony and self-organization
Absolute ear
Pythagoras, music, sacred geometry, and genetic code
Could Pythagoras have something to give for the modern musicology?
Connection with the genetic code
Other ideas
Does DNA understand speech or should you sing to it?
Geometric theory of harmony
Harmonies and icosahedral Hamiltonian cycles
Why quints are near to each other harmonically?
What could be the rules for building a harmony?
Could harmonic principles be realized in biology?
Could biology help in the understanding of musical harmony
Brief summary of the results
Tables listing basic 3-chords for the icosahedral harmonies with symmetries
Illustrations of icosahedral Hamiltonian cycles with symmetries
What could be the physical origin of Pythagorean scale?
Condensed matter realization of 12-note scale in terms of oscillations of square plate
Why 12-note scale?
How to realize 12-note scale at fundamental level universally?
Could Chladni mechanism allow to realize morphogenesis?
Bio-catalysis, morphogenesis by generalized Chladni mechanism, and bio-harmonies
Catalysis and morphogenesis
The notion of bio-harmony and morphogenesis as music
About Chladni mechanism, bio-harmonies, and genetic code for morphology
Logic, fermions, and language
The state basis of fermionic Fock space as Boolean algebra
Boolean algebra as Boolean QFT
Fermions, zero energy ontology, and Boolean cognition
Negentropic entanglement, fuzzy logic, quantum groups, and Jones inclusions
Cognitive codes and fermions