1. Introduction

    1. Zero energy cosmology

    2. Dark matter hierarchy and hierarchy of Planck constants

    3. Quantum criticality and quantum phase transitions

    4. Critical and over-critical cosmologies are highly unique

    5. Equivalence Principle in TGD framework

    6. Cosmic strings as basic building blocks of TGD inspired cosmology

    7. Topics of the chapter

  2. About the anomalies of the cosmic microwave background

    1. Background

    2. Anomalies CMB

    3. What TGD could say about the anomalies?

  3. Simulating Big Bang in laboratory

    1. Experimental arrangement and findings

    2. TGD based model for the quark-gluon plasma

    3. Further experimental findings and theoretical ideas

    4. Are ordinary black-holes replaced with super-symplectic black-holes in TGD Universe?

    5. Conclusions

    6. Five years later

  4. Some problems of cosmology

    1. Antimatter as dark matter?

    2. Why some stars seem to be older than the Universe? /font>

    3. Mechanism of accelerated expansion in TGD Universe

    4. New anomaly in Cosmic Microwave Background

    5. Could many-sheeted cosmology explain the claimed time dependence of the fine structure constant?

    6. Apparent time dependence of the fine structure constant

    7. The redshift anomaly of quasars

    8. The problem of fermion families

  5. Matter-antimatter asymmetry, baryo-genesis, lepto-genesis, and TGD

    1. Background

    2. Could TGD allow matter-antimatter asymmetry and baryo-genesis?

    3. Too much deuterium in cosmic rays and too anti-helium that should not exist

  6. Quantum fluctuations in geometry as a new kind of noise?

    1. The experiment

    2. Hogan's theory

    3. TGD based model

  7. Could hyperbolic 3-manifolds and hyperbolic lattices be relevant in zero energy ontology?

    1. Hyperbolic lattices in H3 from zero energy ontology

    2. Comparing crystallographies in E3 and H3

    3. About uniform tessellations of hyperbolic, Euclidian, spherical spaces

    4. About congruence groups

    5. Quasicrystals

    6. Could quasi-lattices and quasi-crystals emerge from the notion of p-adic manifold?

  8. About syncronization of clocks

    1. Einstein did not assume that clock synchorinization is Lorentz invariant

    2. Is it possible to have Lorentz invariant synchronization?

    3. What about actual realization of Lorentz invariant synchronization?

  9. Does the rate of cosmic expansion oscillate?

    1. TGD based model for the findings

    2. Appendix: p-adic length scale hypothesis and Gaussian Mersennes

  10. Correlated Triangles and Polygons in Standard Cosmology and in TGD

    1. Could cosmic microwave background exhibit non-local correlations?

    2. Early cosmology in TGD framework

    3. How do polygons emerge in TGD framework?

    4. Symplectic invariants and Abelian non-integrable phase factors

  11. Cosmology in crisis

    1. Is 3-space closed or flat and infinite?

    2. The problem of two Hubble constants persists