Exotic charge transfer between cell interior and exterior as fundamental control mechanism
Further experimental findings
Evidence for axonal supra currents
DC currents of Becker
Two views about cell membrane
Exotic charge transfer between cell interior and exterior as fundamental control mechanism
Strange behavior of the intracellular water
Are channels and pumps really there?
Cytoplasm as gel
TGD based vision inspired by the findings
Further experimental findings
Genes and water memory
A model for chiral selection
Burning water and photosynthesis
A model for the effective electronic super-conductivity in axons
Many-sheeted space-time and connection between thermal de Broglie wavelength and size of the space-time sheet
Magnetic flux tubes as effective super-conductors and breaking of super-conductivity
Quantitative model for the breaking of super-conductivity
Application at axonal level
Quantum model for the direct currents of Becker
Connection between laser induced healing, acupuncture, and association of DC currents with the healing of wounds
Quantum model for effective semiconductor property
A model for remote gene expression based on Becker currents
Could cell membrane correspond to almost vacuum extremal?
Cell membrane as almost vacuum extremal
Are photoreceptors nearly vacuum extremals?
Water electric as protocell
Pollack's findings about fourth phase of water and the model of cell
Pollack's findings
Dark nuclei and Pollack's findings
Fourth phase of water and pre-biotic life in TGD Universe
Implications of strong gravimagnetism for TGD inspired quantum biology
The theory of Tajmar et al for the anomaly of Cooper pairs mass
Is the large gravimagnetic field possible in TGD framework?
Gravitational Mother Gaia and life
Quantitative model of high Tc super-conductivity and bio-super-conductivity
A more detailed flux tube model for super-conductivity
Simple quantitative model
Fermionic statistics and bosons
Interpretation in the case of high Tc super-conductivity
Quantitative estimates in the case of TGD inspired quantum biology
Does also low Tc superconductivity rely on magnetic flux tubes in TGD Universe?
The implications of TGD view about magnetic fields for superconductivity
Does the physics of SmB6 make the fundamental dynamics of TGD directly visible?
Could TGD help to understand the strange behavior of SmB6
A new control mechanism of TGD inspired quantum biology
Quantum criticality
Quantum criticality and TGD inspired quantum biology
A new mechanism of quantum criticality
A new mechanism of quantum bio-control
TGD based model for graphene superconductivity
Basic observations
Mott insulators, transition metals, antiferromagnets, and high Tc superconductors in TGD framework
TGD description for the super-conductivity of graphene
Rydberg polarons as a support for TGD view about space-time
Experimental findings
Could TGD say something interesting about Rydberg polarons?
Maxwellian and TGD pictures for the magnetic interaction energy
A model for Rydberg polaron